The COVID-19 vaccine and menstrual irregularities.

This short post is a summary of a full blog post you can read on my new Substack blog: The Vajenda. This is the 1st of 3 short summaries I will send out while followers of this space sign up for the new blog. After that, I will stop posting blogs on this site, although …

Quick and easy dinner rolls: Wellness Dr. Jen Gunter style

I get a lot of requests for my dinner roll recipe, so I decided to finally write it up! This is my version of wellness. So Paltrow better watch out, because my brand of wellness is practical, healthy, tasty, and inexpensive. Oh, and I’m not selling you anything. Why is baking wellness? I love bread, …

Holiday gift ideas for a kick-ass woman in your life

Stuck on some last-minute gift ideas (or perhaps you are like me and haven’t really started shopping yet)? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with some holiday gift suggestions for a kick-ass woman you know and/or love. Or to buy for yourself! This is everything the GOOP gift guide isn’t — fun, practical, feminist. and …

Gwyneth Paltrow wants to monetize menopause

Gwyneth Paltrow is out to monetize menopause. She’s telling everyone about her pre menopausal journey and COINCIDENTALLY has a  supplement called Madame Ovary. Ha ha. Get it? A play on Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. The name did make me wonder if anyone at GOOP has actually read the book, because as much as I enjoyed it …

Sorry Gwyneth Paltrow, a lot of products and therapies offered on GOOP are pseudoscience

Gwyneth Paltrow was recently interviewed by the BBC about GOOP’s British invasion. She was asked about the criticisms of a “Canadian Gynecologist” and about much of GOOP’s products and health advice being categorized as pseudoscience. I am not the only person to suggest there are a variety of dubious and unsupported medical recommendations and therapies …

I reviewed all 161 of GOOP’s wellness products for pseudoscience. Here’s what I found.

Abstract Objective: To identify evidence that Gwyneth Paltrow is correct in her statement that the website GOOP does not sell pseudoscience. Materials and Methods: A search of the products sold on in the wellness section. Results: Biologically implausible therapies and ill-researched products were identified. The majority of health products (90%) could not be supported …

It’s time to winterize your vagina

I know you have all just put your decorative gourd attachments on your vibrators, sugared yourself with a candied ball of maple syrup and sweet potato, and spruced up your lady cornucopia with a pumpkin spice douche, but according to the Daily Mirror the Ice Queen cometh and she’s a cruel mistress. It’s winter vagina time, …